Pediatrics | Plexus Health (2025)

'}else if(scale_pop_up > 100 && scale_pop_up <= 133){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group B.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $40, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 133 && scale_pop_up <= 166){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group C.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $60, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 166 && scale_pop_up <= 200){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group D.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $75, not including any additional fees.

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'}else{text2_pop_up = 'Based on the calculations, there is no discount.'text3_pop_up = 'Please try again.'}}else if(people_pop_up == 2) {scale_pop_up = (income_pop_up/16240) * 100;text2_pop_up = 'Your percent is ' + scale_pop_up;if(scale_pop_up > 0 && scale_pop_up <= 100){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group A.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $30, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 100 && scale_pop_up <= 133){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group B.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $40, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 133 && scale_pop_up <= 166){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group C.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $60, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 166 && scale_pop_up <= 200){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group D.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $75, not including any additional fees.

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'}else{text2_pop_up = 'Based on the calculations, there is no discount.'text3_pop_up = 'Please try again.'}}else if(people_pop_up == 3) {scale_pop_up = (income_pop_up/20420) * 100;text2_pop_up = 'Your percent is ' + scale_pop_up;if(scale_pop_up > 0 && scale_pop_up <= 100){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group A.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $30, not including any additional fees.

'}else if(scale_pop_up > 100 && scale_pop_up <= 133){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group B.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $40, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 133 && scale_pop_up <= 166){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group C.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $60, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 166 && scale_pop_up <= 200){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group D.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $75, not including any additional fees.

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'}else{text2_pop_up = 'Based on the calculations, there is no discount.'text3_pop_up = 'Please try again.'}}else if(people_pop_up == 4) {scale_pop_up = (income_pop_up/24600) * 100;text2_pop_up = 'Your percent is ' + scale_pop_up;if(scale_pop_up > 0 && scale_pop_up <= 100){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group A.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $30, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 100 && scale_pop_up <= 133){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group B.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $40, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 133 && scale_pop_up <= 166){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group C.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $60, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 166 && scale_pop_up <= 200){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group D.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $75, not including any additional fees.

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'}else{text2_pop_up = 'Based on the calculations, there is no discount.'text3_pop_up = 'Please try again.'}}else if(people_pop_up == 5) {scale_pop_up = (income_pop_up/28780) * 100;text2_pop_up = 'Your percent is ' + scale_pop_up;if(scale_pop_up > 0 && scale_pop_up <= 100){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group A.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $30, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 100 && scale_pop_up <= 133){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group B.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $40, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 133 && scale_pop_up <= 166){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group C.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $60, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 166 && scale_pop_up <= 200){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group D.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $75, not including any additional fees.

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'}else{text2_pop_up = 'Based on the calculations, there is no discount.'text3_pop_up = 'Please try again.'}}else if(people_pop_up == 6) {scale_pop_up = (income_pop_up/32960) * 100;text2_pop_up = 'Your percent is ' + scale_pop_up;if(scale_pop_up > 0 && scale_pop_up <= 100){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group A.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $30, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 100 && scale_pop_up <= 133){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group B.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $40, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 133 && scale_pop_up <= 166){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group C.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $60, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 166 && scale_pop_up <= 200){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group D.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $75, not including any additional fees.

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'}else{text2_pop_up = 'Based on the calculations, there is no discount.'text3_pop_up = 'Please try again.'}}else if(people_pop_up == 7) {scale_pop_up = (income_pop_up/37140) * 100;text2_pop_up = 'Your percent is ' + scale_pop_up;if(scale_pop_up > 0 && scale_pop_up <= 100){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group A.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $30, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 100 && scale_pop_up <= 133){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group B.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $40, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 133 && scale_pop_up <= 166){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group C.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $60, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 166 && scale_pop_up <= 200){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group D.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $75, not including any additional fees.

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'}else{text2_pop_up = 'Based on the calculations, there is no discount.'text3_pop_up = 'Please try again.'}}else if(people_pop_up == 8){scale_pop_up = (income_pop_up/41320) * 100;text2_pop_up = 'Your percent is ' + scale_pop_up;if(scale_pop_up > 0 && scale_pop_up <= 100){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group A.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $30, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 100 && scale_pop_up <= 133){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group B.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $40, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 133 && scale_pop_up <= 166){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group C.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $60, not including any additional fees.

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'}else if(scale_pop_up > 166 && scale_pop_up <= 200){text2_pop_up = 'Based on the Sliding Fee Scale, you are in Group D.'text3_pop_up = 'You will have a copay of $75, not including any additional fees.

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'}else{text2_pop_up = 'Based on the calculations, there is no discount.'text3_pop_up = 'Please try again.'}}else {text2_pop_up = 'The number of people in your household is not valid. Please try again.';}}document.getElementById('text2_pop_up').innerHTML = text2_pop_up;document.getElementById('text3_pop_up').innerHTML = text3_pop_up; }}

Pediatrics | Plexus Health (2025)
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Article information

Author: Carlyn Walter

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Views: 6485

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.